Services / Security 360

Fire safety officers

Fire Safety is the heart of all the activities Gruppo I&S.
We are specialized in providing personnel specifically trained for fire surveillance for any type of events, from large events to more private settings, such as offices and company facilities.

Our fire safety officers are always in uniform and therefore easily recognizable and identifiable in the crowd in case of need. Trained in firefighting and emergency management, they are also able handle emergencies and provide first aid and rescue.

We also provide our customers with rental service (and sale if required) of safety and accident prevention signs complete with installation and all fire prevention materials, with the possibility of purchasing a package of after-sale assistance, which would include six-monthly maintenance checks in line with UNI regulations, warranty and repairs.

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    Select the branch of services you are interested in* Security for EventsFire Safety OfficersCovid-19 Safety SolutionsSecurity Officers RetailSecurity and Concierge services


    Security for Events
    Peace of minds for your events.

    Covid-19 Safety Solutions
    Taking care of you in the pandemic.

    Security Officers Retail
    A complete package security and safety for the high-end shopping outlets.

    Security and Concierge services
    The professionals of security.